If your dog is opening doors at will, you have a problem that can range from nuisance to life-threatening. Fortunately you can prevent your dog from opening doors quickly and economically. Door Handles Lever style and bar handles provide the perfect “paw catching” area for dogs. It will not take a dog long to learn […]
Your dog learns to differentiate between right and wrong behaviors the moment he comes into your home and you have the power to help your dog choose acceptable behaviors. High reward equals high motivation Let’s pretend that your boss just asked you to complete a special assignment. You didn’t ask for it, perhaps you don’t even want it […]
Did you know that treadmill exercise for dogs can benefit their health and behavior? And the best part is that they generally get completely hooked on the exercise and start begging for the activity. My dog goes to the treadmill and barks until I turn it on for her. One client’s dog goes to the […]
Choosing a quality dog food will ensure that your pet is getting the proper nutrition. If you had 5 cups of coffee and a dozen donuts for your daily meal, would you feel a bit off-balance? If you ate this every day, how would it affect your health, energy level and behavior? Most dog owners don’t […]
Do you have a stubborn dog? Winston Churchill said, “The nose of the bulldog has been purposely slanted backwards so that he can breathe without letting go.” Many a dog trainer has borrowed this quote, as it defines the characteristics of a stubborn dog. Certain breeds are prone to this character trait such as basset hounds, […]
Dog microchips are a popular identification choice for pet owners. They are permanent, relatively low in cost and can help reunite you with your pet if he becomes lost. The most important thing to know is that having one implanted is only fifty percent of the process. The chip must be registered and that registration […]
Dog diseases that humans can get through transmission from animals are called Zoonotic Diseases. Practically all diseases in pets (bacterial, viral and parasitic) are spread by direct contact with blood, saliva, urine or feces of an infected animal. This article does not address all zoonotic diseases but rather, the most common diseases, which can be […]
Choke and prong dog training collars were originally developed as dog training tools. These dog training collars provide a painful physical consequence if your dog pulls or lunges on the leash. Positives Many dog trainers, aren’t fond of choke and prong dog training collars because there are less risky, pain-free tools available. Yet, for the sake […]